martes, 4 de noviembre de 2014

Discussion 14/10/2014

 Today in class we made a discussion about the different types of social networks . We worked in groups of four . I improve my communication skills respecting the turn of each person and I asked to all my team mates makin everyone feel important.

Presentation 4/11/2014


Today we worked in groups. We made an example of a poor presentation and a good presentation in power point . Once the examples were finished we had to made a presentation in front all the clase explaining what makes a bad porwer point o what makes a good one . Doing this is i improved my capacity to work in a team . I made everyone feel important . I improve my technical knowlege using power point and the most importat I improve my communication skills explaining my work to my classmates.

lunes, 20 de octubre de 2014

PDP 20/10/2014


Today  in class we've  been working on the PDP . We did a recent version of  apersonal development plan. Doing this we improve our technical knowledge in programs such ass Word and Power Point. Also , we update our blog.

martes, 14 de octubre de 2014

Assesment 19/09/2014


Today we have been working in the first assessment of the course for the Unit 1.  We are working in a report. We are working in teams of three people. In my opinion doing this will help us to develop teamwork skills. Commutations skills will be improve as well.